


Head Office: Ministry of Agriculture office, IDA, Kenema
Coordinating Office: Masiaka Highway, Newton Junction, Freetown

Email Addresses

Sustainable Human & Environmental Development Agency

Company Story

Sustainable Human & Environmental Development Agency (SHADE)

We strive to sustainably transform the local environment through local initiative in community forest governance and management, rehabilitation of
degraded area for production, carbon financing, ecosystem services, environmental campaigns, sustainable forest management, community
development, alternative livelihood, responsible investment, awareness and capacity strengthening.

What we do

A concise overview of SHADE's mission

SHADE was established in January, 2016 to continue with the interventions carried out by the STEWARD/BioclimateUK/Bioclimate/WA
intervention in the Karene district. It is a community forest led local initiative that directly empower local people by directly involving two Focal
persons (male and female) to learn on the job so that they will be SHADE’s representatives in each community for sustainability after the end of the

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Local Community
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Sustainable Forest Management
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Environmental Restoration.


A breakdown of SHADE's mission into more digestible sections focusing on:

  • Community forest governance and management.

    This approach empowers local communities to take ownership of their forests. Communities develop rules and regulations for sustainable use, manage resources, and ensure long-term benefits for both people and the environment.

  • Rehabilitation of degraded areas.

    This process aims to restore previously damaged ecosystems. It can involve planting native trees, removing invasive species, and controlling soil erosion. Rehabilitation promotes biodiversity, improves water quality, and creates valuable resources for communities.

  • Environmental campaigns and education.

    Raising awareness about environmental issues is crucial for behavior change. Campaigns can focus on topics like deforestation, pollution, or sustainable practices. Education programs empower individuals to make informed choices and become active stewards of their environment.

  • Sustainable forest management practices.

    These methods aim to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves selective harvesting, minimizing waste, and promoting forest regeneration for long-term timber production, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem health.

  • Community development and livelihoods.

    Sustainable development goes beyond just protecting the environment. It also focuses on improving the lives of local communities. This can involve creating alternative income sources to reduce dependence on forest resources, providing education and healthcare opportunities, and promoting economic diversification.


Sustainable Land Use Practices

Respect for all, equality, fair play, democratic governance/management, inclusion of all in decision making, corrupt free society,
 religious tolerance, rights of all to live, equitable sharing of resources, constructive criticism, environmental security, preservation of biodiversity
and the rule of law, etc.

What we do

Here's a breakdown of our key areas of work:

Community Forestry:

We advocate for and support community-based forest management practices, ensuring local communities have a say in the sustainable use and conservation of their forests.

Community Development:

We work alongside communities to improve their social and economic well-being through various initiatives like income generation, education, and healthcare support.

Social Cohesion & Co-Forest Management:

We foster collaboration and build trust between communities and stakeholders for effective forest management.

Watershed Management:

We focus on protecting and restoring watersheds, ensuring clean water supplies for communities and healthy ecosystems.

Conserve the remaining forest ecosystem Transforming the landscape through sustainable land use practices

+23278217184 +23277653048

© 2024 SHADE Sierra Leone