


Head Office: Ministry of Agriculture office, IDA, Kenema
Coordinating Office: Masiaka Highway, Newton Junction, Freetown

Email Addresses

About Us

About Us


Sustainable Human & Environmental Development Agency (SHADE)

We strive to sustainably transform the local environment through local initiative in community forest governance and management, rehabilitation of
degraded area for production, carbon financing, ecosystem services, environmental campaigns, sustainable forest management, community
development, alternative livelihood, responsible investment, awareness and capacity strengthening.

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Why Choose SHADE?

SHADE goes beyond simply working in communities; we empower them to become stewards of their own environment and architects of their development. Here’s why partnering with SHADE is the right choice:

Community-Driven Solutions

We prioritize local voices and knowledge, ensuring solutions are tailored to specific community needs and culturally appropriate.

We prioritize local voices and knowledge, ensuring solutions are tailored to specific community needs and culturally appropriate.

Holistic Approach

We address environmental, social, and economic challenges together, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

We address environmental, social, and economic challenges together, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Sustainable Impact

Our focus is on long-term sustainability, ensuring the benefits of our work endure for generations to come.

Solar Thermal Systems

Our focus is on long-term sustainability, ensuring the benefits of our work endure for generations to come.

Transparency & Accountability

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of transparency and accountability, building trust with communities and partners.

Solar Thermal Systems

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SHADE is registered with SLANGO and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development. To comply with local content and decentralization policy, SHADE also registered with the Kenema, Kailahun, Karene and Western Area District Councils.


To support rural communities to take the lead in promoting sustainable forest management, community development initiative, restore human dignity and degraded environmental recovery through Community Led and Community Driven Environmental and Developmental initiative.

Core Values

Respect for all, equality, fair play, democratic governance/management, inclusion of all in decision making, corrupt free society,
 religious tolerance, rights of all to live, equitable sharing of resources, constructive criticism, environmental security, preservation of biodiversity
and the rule of law, etc.


We strive to sustainably transform the local environment through local initiative in community forest governance and management, rehabilitation of degraded area for production, carbon financing, ecosystem services, environmental campaigns, sustainable forest management, community development, alternative livelihood, responsible investment, awareness and capacity strengthening.

Conserve the remaining forest ecosystem Transforming the landscape through sustainable land use practices

+23278217184 +23277653048

© 2024 SHADE Sierra Leone