


Head Office: Ministry of Agriculture office, IDA, Kenema
Coordinating Office: Masiaka Highway, Newton Junction, Freetown

Email Addresses

Core Values

Rooted in Values, Building a Sustainable Future

SHADE’s mission for a transformed landscape and empowered communities is guided by a core set of values that are the bedrock of everything we do. These values aren’t just words on a poster; they are the principles that define our interactions with communities, partners, and the environment itself.

Respect for All: We believe in treating everyone with dignity, regardless of background, beliefs, or social standing. Diversity within communities is a strength, and we foster an inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued.

Equality and Fair Play: We strive to create a level playing field where everyone has equal opportunity to participate in decision-making and benefit from our initiatives. Transparency and accountability are paramount; we operate with integrity and ensure all resources are allocated fairly.

Democratic Governance and Inclusion: Empowerment is at the heart of SHADE’s approach. We believe communities have the right to determine their own future. We facilitate inclusive decision-making processes, ensuring all stakeholders have a voice in shaping sustainable development strategies.

A Corruption-Free Society: We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Honesty and transparency are crucial in building trust with communities and partners. We advocate for good governance and combat corruption in all its forms.

Religious Tolerance and the Right to Life: We respect the diverse religious beliefs within the communities we serve. We also value the well-being of all living things, promoting sustainable practices that ensure the survival of our ecosystems and the biodiversity they harbor.

Equitable Sharing of Resources and Constructive Criticism: We believe in the fair distribution of benefits derived from environmental management practices. We also embrace open communication and utilize constructive criticism to learn, improve, and adapt our strategies for maximum impact.

Environmental Security and Preservation of Biodiversity: Our core mission is intrinsically linked to protecting the environment. We promote practices that ensure the long-term health and sustainability of ecosystems, fostering a future where biodiversity thrives.

The Rule of Law: We operate within the legal framework governing environmental management and community development. Upholding the law ensures responsible practices and protects the rights of both people and the environment.

Conserve the remaining forest ecosystem Transforming the landscape through sustainable land use practices

+23278217184 +23277653048

© 2024 SHADE Sierra Leone