


Head Office: Ministry of Agriculture office, IDA, Kenema
Coordinating Office: Masiaka Highway, Newton Junction, Freetown

Email Addresses


Cultivating a Sustainable Future, One Community at a Time

SHADE’s mission is more than just words on a page; it’s a call to action. We envision a future where rural communities aren’t just surviving, but thriving alongside healthy and resilient ecosystems. Here’s how we’re working towards that vision:

Empowering Local Action:

Fostering Innovation:

Collaboration is Key:

We believe that achieving large-scale change requires collaboration. SHADE actively builds partnerships with government agencies, research institutions, and other NGOs. By working together, we can share knowledge, resources, and expertise to maximize our impact.

Knowledge Sharing:

We are committed to sharing our knowledge and experience with others. We conduct workshops, publish research findings, and participate in regional and international dialogues. By fostering knowledge exchange, we can inspire and empower others to join the movement for sustainable development.

Measurable Impact:

 We are committed to measuring the impact of our work. We use a variety of tools and methods to track progress towards our goals, ensuring that our efforts are making a real difference on the ground.

Transparency and Accountability

We believe in transparency and accountability. We regularly report on our activities and progress to our stakeholders, demonstrating the effectiveness of our mission in action.


At SHADE, we are driven by a deep commitment to environmental sustainability and social justice. We believe that by empowering communities and fostering innovation, we can create a future where humanity and nature can thrive in harmony. Join us in cultivating a sustainable future, one community at a time.

Conserve the remaining forest ecosystem Transforming the landscape through sustainable land use practices

+23278217184 +23277653048

© 2024 SHADE Sierra Leone